Texas Teen Accused of Revenge-Poisoning Show Goat Made Eerie Internet Searches Before Killing, Court Records Reveal

CCTV footage shows the teen "forcing a syringe-like item into the goat's mouth"

Aubrey Vanlandingham
17-year-old Aubrey Vanlandingham IBT

A Texas high schooler charged with deliberately poisoning a classmate's pet made incriminating searches on the internet before allegedly committing the deed, court records have reportedly revealed.

17-year-old Aubrey Vanlandingham was charged with the felony offense of cruelty to livestock animals after CCTV footage showed her poisoning Willy, the six-month-old pet goat belonging to a 15-year-old classmate.

In the footage, Vanlandingham can be seen "forcing a syringe-like item into the goat's mouth," according to court documents obtained by PEOPLE.

However, Vanlandingham allegedly used a search engine to look up a variety of eerie inquiries online before Willy was killed, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by PEOPLE.

Willy The Goat

"How much bleach can kill an animal," and "if goats inject bleach do they die," were amongst Vanlandingham's searches. She also looked up "poisoning pets, what you should know".

She then allegedly searched "How to clear search history."

Vanlandingham told law enforcement that she had been trying to kill the goat, citing the reason as its owner being a "cheater". Vanlandingham, who has a pet show goat of her own, often brought her pet to competitions where she competed against other young show goat and their owners, such as Willie and his owner.

Vanlandingham was arrested and taken into custody, but then released on $5,000 bond.

Originally published by The Latin Times.

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